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Michael Vetter



E-MAIL: Click to send me an E-mail

City: Belmont    State: NH

Note: Wfie: Jody Children: Colby and Brooke

Since 1985: My second child was born on Aug. 29th, so I have a lot a responsibilities around the house. My son's name is Colby Michael. I also have a 16 month daughter named Brooke Katherine. I am living in Belmont, New Hampshire which is in the middle of the state near all the lakes. I am a veterinarian working at a 4 person small animal hospital, but I still do some large animal (horses and cows) work on the side. My wife, Jody, is a second grade teacher, but she is taking several years off to raise our children. We have 7 dogs, 3 cats, and one African side-neck turtle. As you can see, we have a full house. Well, that's all the major news for now. I hope you are doing well.

What I remember from High School: Absolutely Nothing!


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