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Stephanie Rever




E-MAIL: Click to send me an E-mail

City: Chicago    State: IL

Since 1985: Studied abroad in Spain, graduated from Duke and William & Mary Law School, married a great guy, moved to Chicago, performed with an improv theater group, worked as the Assistant Dean for Career Services and Alumni Relations at Chicago-Kent College of Law, had three funny kids (Caroline 8 1/2, Christopher 6, Nicholas 3), and somehow convinced my employer to let me work 5 hours/week.

What I remember from High School: So many fun times with great people...shaving cream fights, skipping class for breakfast at Bob's Big Boy, indoor and outdoor soccer games, homecoming parades, big hair, Jessica McClintock dresses, pom practice, Hang-ups, football and basketball games, listening to Menudo, little blue pickup truck, relocating pumpkins and street barriers, liberating toilet paper from public bathrooms for decorating purposes, trips to Rehoboth, counting pennies to buy french fries at McDonalds, cruising McDonalds on the weekends, proms, great teachers, beach week, birthday parties, spring break in Ft. Lauderdale, Stonegate pool, getting snowed in, backrubs during English, birthday celebrations, pool parties...


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