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Marlene Patz



E-MAIL: Click to send me an E-mail

City: Durham    State: NC

Note: Husband: Greg Sons: Specer and Cole

Since 1985: After high school I went to Towson State University and played soccer. I moved to Los Angeles, CA in 1992 and lived there for 3 years. Then in 1995 moved to North Carolina and got married to my college sweetheart. I have been living here ever since. I have two boys Spencer (5) and Cole (2). I work at the Holiday Inn Chapel Hill as the Director of Sales and Marketing and have been there for 10 years.

What I remember from High School: I remember being voted the "Class Clown", how much fun "hang up" was when me and Tim Burton MC'd the event. I remember dressing up as the blue devil mascot at the football games and working on the senior float for homecoming. I remember getting caught for skipping class and going to Bob's Big Boy for breakfast. I remember lots of great parties and hanging out at McDonalds.


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