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Lucy Pao




E-MAIL: Click to send me an E-mail

City: Boulder    State: CO

Career/Title/Other: Professor

Note: Husband: Leo Son: Mattew Daughter: Sarah

Since 1985: I've enjoyed looking at the updates to the springbrookclassof1985 website. Thanks so much for putting the site together!

I don't know what exactly is being put together for the memory book, but I would enjoy hearing about everyone's paths through life so far.

A further update on myself:

After SHS, I went to Stanford and studied Electrical Engineering. I met the man of my dreams, Leo Radzihovsky, at a summer job at AT&T Bell Labs during the summer of 1988. We got married in 1991 around the time I was finishing up my PhD. I moved to Boston where I worked at MITRE, and Leo was pursuing his PhD in Physics at Harvard. After Leo graduated in 1993, we moved to the Chicago area, where I worked at Northwestern University and Leo was working at the University of Chicago. Leo's position at the U of Chicago was a 2-year position, and so, in 1995, we job-searched again and moved to the University of Colorado at Boulder, where we have been the last ten years. We have two kids, Sarah (age 8) and Matthew (age 6), and they are great! (Completely unbiased Mom saying that of course! :-) )

One of the perks of being professors is that we get a sabbatical every 7th year. We had a wonderful time in Boston in 2001-2002, and we're already looking ahead to our next sabbatical.

Boulder is a beautiful place to live. It's at the foot of the impressive Rocky Mountains, with 300 days of sunshine a year and plenty of outdoor activities to offer. We love to go hiking and biking. Boulder is very bike-friendly, and we commute to work and school more often by bike than by car. (The city clears snow off the bike paths before the streets!)

I'm sorry to say that I've lost touch with most of my old friends from the class of 1985. I keep in touch with a bunch of friends from the class of 1984, and I am probably in closest touch with Sean Lev-Tov (class of 1983, and Justin Lev-Tov's brother) as Sean lives in Boulder!

I'm sorry to miss the 20th reunion. Hope everyone has a great time!

Cheers, Lucy

What I remember from High School: Absolutely Nothing!


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