Class of 1985 — Where Memories Live On

Springbrook High School
Class of 1985

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Alumni Information

Tina Umphres



E-MAIL: Click to send me an E-mail

City: Frederick    State: MD

Note: Husband: Dean (Married 16 years)

Since 1985: I have been married to my patient husband,Dean, for 16 years. We have 5 children: Casslyn (18yr. and a sophomore at Radford University in Va.), Bryan (16yrs. and a senior at Lingnore HS), Matthew (15yrs. and a junior at LHS), Brady (12 yrs. and a 7th grader at New Market Middle) , and finally, Olivia (10 yrs. old and a5th grader at Liberty Elementary). After my youngest child went to Pre-K, I went back to school and earned a degree in Nursing. I work at a very busy Pediatrics office in Gaithersburg.

My husband is a Firefighter stationed at Damascus VFD. As you can see, I have been pretty busy for the last 20 years! In my spare (ha-ha!) time, I like to volunteer at the elementary school, watch my kids play various sports, read, garden, and camp all over the Eastern half of the U.S.

What I remember from High School: High school was not the most favorite part of my life, but I do remember having some really great friends to hang out with. I remember how much fun it was to cheer at football games and to kid around with Butch (Mr. Patterson). I do wish that I had paid more attention to school and less to boys. It would have made returning to college as a 30 yr. old a lot easier!


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