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Donna Myers



E-MAIL: Click to send me an E-mail

City: Silver Spring    State: MD

Since 1985: I moved down to the Virginia Beach area . . I found a career in insurance, but I was never a sales agent. (I mostly worked in risk management/loss prevention and in claims.) Then I married an Army man, and moved up to Northern Neck, NY (Ft. Drum, north of Syracuse, 1/2 hour south of the Canada line)). In 1995, I was in a car accident (hit by a drunk driver), from which I became blind. I moved back to the Silver Spring area so that I could recover near my family, and have been here ever since. My husband and I ultimately divorced, but I'm happy and doing well. I have my dog Elvis (see picture), and my family, and lots of friends. I have kept in touch with a few friends from high school, including Marla Rosenthal and Tam Nguyen. I have known Marla since 7th grade, and Tam became one of my best friends when I met her in 10th grade. We never lost touch!

What I remember from High School: Mr. Cost's photography class; passing our note notebooks to friends between classes; Mr. Sinkovitz -- need I say more?


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