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Sheila McNamara




E-MAIL: Click to send me an E-mail

City: Manassas    State: VA

Career/Title/Other: Occupational Therapist

Note: Husband: Joel Daughter: Jessica

Since 1985: After SHS, I took a 'tour' of MD colleges: Loyola, UM, Montgomery College, then finally graduated with a BA in psyc at Salisbury University. I worked as a sales rep for a few years, then went back to Towson University to earn my Masters in occupational therapy. I met a 35 year old bachelor in the Navy during my graduate work. He is fantastic and retired Navy now. We have been married for 7 years and have a beautiful 3 year old daughter, Jessica.

Currently, I work part time as an occupational therapist for Fairfax Hospital and Prince William Hospital. I also work part time as a stay-at-home-mom. My work at Fairfax Hospital is pretty interesting as we get all the traumas i.e. car/truck/motorcycle accidents. I even worked with the guy who got his fingers chopped off by a machete at the Fairfax movie theater by a rival gang. My work at home is interesting too.

Our daughter, Jessica, is amazing! She was the 'star' in her first dance recital. The other 2 year olds had major stage fright - but Jessica was a real ham! I was so proud!!! (See photo of Jess in costume.) Joel, Jessica, and I live in Manassas VA. Can't wait to see all of you at the reunion!

What I remember from High School: I remember: Speaking 'IB' language; Playing 'thumper' and 'quarters'; Great Halloween parties where guys dressed up as condoms;getting way too drunk most weekends; Having my one and only party and getting totally caught by my parents; Mr Yeager's earth science class and Mr Donadson's pre-calculus class; and skipping 2 months of school my senior year because I couldn't face my ex-boyfriend at the lunch table.

Marlene Patz as the SHS Devil mascot; Cheering at SHS football games; Playing JV softball all 3 years with Mr Malloy. Most of all, I remember feeling like I couldn't WAIT until high school was over, NOW I realize SHS was a fantastic part of my life. A part that I will always cherish.


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